To be a customer-centered struggler - Kexin Technology's third phase of corporate culture lecture hall was successfully held

Time:2024-04-17 14:15


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

At 18:30 on April 16, 2019, in the training room on the sixth floor of Kexin Technology Building, the special event of the third phase of Kexin Technology Corporate Culture Lecture Hall was held as scheduled. The keynote speaker invited in this issue was Miao Xinmin, deputy general manager of the marketing center. More than 160 people from the marketing center participated in the corporate culture study.

Miao always talked about his own understanding of culture: "Culture is not abstract, it has been settled by the company over the years; culture is not a virtual one, but a concrete thing, a concrete case, It is not invisible, the construction of institutional processes, the persistence of spiritual beliefs, the formation of values, etc. are integrated into the work behavior of each of our employees, forming a unique behavioral gene of Kexin, and culture is around us."

Miao always compares the company to a big tree and vividly explains what "customer is the root" and what is "the struggler-oriented". The customer is the root: the customer is the root of the tree, the company's order comes from the customer, the nutrition comes from the soil; the struggler is the foundation: the excellent struggler is like the trunk that supports the growth of the big tree, the ordinary employees are the flourishing leaves, the Kexin people work together It has produced a fruitful fruit – four product solutions. Every element of the tree is indispensable. Just like the rapid development of Kexin technology, it is inseparable from deep digging and satisfying customers' needs. It is also inseparable from the hard work of every Kexin people.

When Miao always talked about the core values ??of “customer is the root, technology is the first; pragmatic and hard work, honesty and trustworthiness”, he said with a strong heart: “The market competition environment is cruel, and the company has been proud of its quick response, but recent cases Admonish us not to forget the initial heart: D city IDC engine room expansion project, quality problems, delivery delay and push; S city small power cabinets, product quality is not qualified, delivery has been postponed repeatedly. These cases clearly violate the company's core Values ??have become self-centered and do not think and solve problems from the perspective of customers."

Miao Zong combined with the company's first supporting treasure project, profoundly interpreting what is the practice of Kexin's core values: the supporting treasure project is one of the representative projects of Kexin's technological product transformation, starting from January 2015. In May 2018, we finally got the customer's approval. After three years of grinding a sword, the customer's needs are constantly changing. We have constantly rebuilt and rebuilt from the solution and development version. We don't know how many versions are negated. The process is very difficult. It is very painful, but we always believe that it is our responsibility to solve the pain points of our customers. Our solution team, first-line market personnel and delivery team work together across systems and departments. We are always working hard around the ever-changing needs of our customers. Ultimately, we have won the trust of our customers with leading technology and excellent solutions. Really promoted the transformation of Kexin technology from passive products to active products!

In the interpretation of Kexin Technology's “quick response, continuous innovation, cost leadership, cooperation and win-win, and always provide high-quality products, services and solutions around customer needs”, Miao always shared the G City micro-module project. It is the first micro-module delivery project in the true sense of Kexin Technology. The entire delivery process is the interpretation of Kexin's technical business philosophy. After the project started, the customer lacked experience, the demand provided was seriously inconsistent with the actual situation on site, and the on-site construction was more difficult. In order to meet the customer's requirements for product quality and delivery time, the service management department colleagues continued to work all night long while researching with the internal technical department. Solution; while construction progress, two days a day, and finally compressed from the original plan of more than 40 days of delivery to 20 days, truly solve the customer's difficulties from the customer's point of view, with actual actions to prove to customers - you just Give me a chance, I will give you satisfaction!

"Winning is toasting, and defeat is to save each other." In a project in Yunnan, the delivery of samples on time is the key to determining the qualification of the project. However, the logistics company made serious mistakes and the samples stayed at the railway station one hour before the opening of the bid. In this emergency, all employees of Yunnan Office did not give up. Calm division of labor, coordinated operations, and split actions, the account manager coordinated the preparations at the customer site, and the provincial director flew to the train station to pick up the goods. He tried every solution, almost at the customer's decision to cancel the qualification of the science and technology. In the last few tens of seconds, our samples arrived at the customer's designated location and successfully won the bid. This is the technical spirit of Kexin: In the face of difficulties, we will not shrink, dare to take responsibility, enter the battlefield, we only have one goal, that is, to win.

This interactive learning session was inspired by the sharing of Miao Zong. Many colleagues in the class also actively spoke. Everyone shared their understanding and understanding of Kexin Technology's corporate culture in combination with the summary of key behaviors in their actual work.



Finally, Miao Zong made it clear that the first line of marketing is the most closely linked link between the company and the customer. It is the most intuitive subject of the external communication of Kexin technology enterprise culture. Therefore, all frontline employees must deeply understand and understand the connotation and essence of Kexin technology enterprise culture. And melt into his usual words and deeds, based on his own work at the same time to shoulder the important responsibility of the external communication of science and technology enterprises culture.

Kexin Technology Corporate Culture is the guiding lighthouse for the main channel of Kexin Technology. It unifies the code of conduct of Kexin people. Kexin Technology hopes that every Kexin person can thoroughly understand the cultural spirit of Kexin Technology and internalize the cultural concept. Really use ideas to guide actions, use thoughts to constrain behaviors, achieve "integration of knowing and doing", and be a customer-centered struggle.

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