"Because of the ideal, so struggle" - Kexin Technology's first corporate culture lecture hall successfully opened

Time:2024-04-17 14:15


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

In order to strengthen the understanding and cognition of the company's corporate culture by the cadres and employees, the General Manager's Corporate Culture Project Team took the lead in planning the special activities of the corporate culture lecture halls of various systems, from mid-April to the end of the month. On April 15, 2019, the first phase of the corporate culture lecture hall was opened in the training room on the 6th floor of Kexin Technology Building. It is a great honor to invite Wu, the supplier of the supply chain system, to interpret and share the corporate culture of the small partners of the system.

Mr. Wu started his career with the impression of “mat culture” when he first joined Huawei, and talked about his understanding of culture. Throughout the 18 years of development of Kexin, it has always been inseparable from the culture of hard work. The resources of Kexin were seriously lacking during the initial period. Due to the financial constraints, it is even necessary to take the real estate licenses of shareholders to make mortgages for employees. In the survival stage, from 2008 to 2017, Kexin grasped every opportunity for the great development of the industry, and achieved the letter of today's science and technology with the unremitting efforts of a group of like-minded strugglers. Especially in the entry of Kexin 2.0, from a single product to a solution, from passive to active, from domestic to international, truly complete the transformation of traditional optical wiring companies to ICT solution companies. In the future, we will be full of challenges in strategy, management, market and service.

Mr. Wu introduced thinking through the introduction of questions, detailed interpretation of the origin, definition and characteristics of culture, and emphasized the important role of culture in the development of enterprises. How does Kexin build its own unique corporate culture and how to guide the development of the company through corporate culture and stimulate employees Mission, sense of belonging, sense of responsibility; through the combination of the virtual and the real of corporate culture, traction and restraining each of our Kexin people to work towards a common goal!

Then, Mr. Wu launched the outline of corporate culture one by one, and combined with the early corporate culture of Kexin, from the mission, vision, core values, business philosophy and other aspects of in-depth interpretation, deepen everyone's future development blueprint for Kexin and Kexin corporate culture Cognition and understanding of advocacy and opposition to the code of conduct.

Finally, Mr. Wu also passed some typical cases of the company recently, such as the forward HPM project, a negative network cabinet project in a province, calling on everyone to learn from the excellent project team, how a group of like-minded people under limited resources, Through long-term hard work and hard work, we finally achieve our goals. Just as the principle of value distribution elaborated in our human resource management logic, we adhere to the struggle-oriented and let the employees who truly contribute more rewards.

Through corporate culture learning, I hope that every Kexin person can integrate the corporate culture spirit into specific daily work behaviors. When all Kexin people behave in the same way, the pace is the same, always focus on customer needs, and persist in hard work for a long time. We firmly believe in our road. Will go further!

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