Continuous improvement, never stop!

Time:2024-04-17 14:15


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

"I have never done this, how can I do it?"

"Time is too late, our project has not been completed yet?"

"The goal has deviated from the topic, we have to correct it in time."

Thoughts returning to October 2017, in order to consolidate the results of the lean transformation project, the company decided to promote the QCC quality control circle activities. In the face of the QCC just launched, everyone is very confused. I don’t know how to start, I don’t know if everyone is willing to participate, but I don’t know how it works. . What people are most worried about is not the difficulties and challenges, but the fear of the unknown. At that time, the QCC quality control circle was like the first time to prepare for the flying eagle, stunned and worried, but they all took the first step.

From the training room on the fourth floor of the old factory, the first batch of QCC circle of Kexin was formally established. They also became pioneers and founders of the Kexin QCC activities. Everything is difficult at the beginning, their first step must be difficult, hard! Although the 2018 chapter has been turned over, we have seen too many mistakes and regrets in 2018. Due to a small mistake, the project was deteriorating because of the cumbersome and rigid process, resulting in increased costs, extended periods, and customer complaints due to low-level personal responsibility.

2018 is a challenging year and a year of change. While enjoying the comfort and pride that this new office building brings to us, we also see the challenges and pressures facing the company. These challenges are not only business pressure, but also the optimization of internal management.

Kexin is more like a person, a struggler from 0 to 1. After experiencing the boring trough and the desperation of failure, all the way, it is the result of continuous tempering and improvement. We should also see that Kexin is a young company with many shortcomings and shortcomings. How to make this huge machine of Kexin work well, not only we can do our job, but we can continue to improve and make the transformation and development of Kexin. Inject fresh blood that is truly effective and continuously improved.

It is remembered that from August to September 2018, the company moved from the Baihua and Tangjia two factories to the Kexin Technology Building in Longgang in batches, but this period is the key period for the QCC activities in the third quarter of 18 years. Especially in September, in order to ensure the smooth progress of QCC activities, the QCC project team rushed to the two places to organize QCC routine weekly meetings, and each group of groups withstood the pressure and still completed the project on schedule. In order to really improve the measures for landing improvement, some groups have organized group meetings and teamed up to discuss all the problems one by one and try their best to verify them.

After more than a month of fighting, in the case of not delaying the progress of the factory, there are still many good projects that are painful and effective, such as the results of the project of the Science and Technology Research Institute in improving the efficiency of the intelligent management platform, combined with intelligent management. The common features of platform testing, through the technical upgrades, the development of automated tools, the manual testing method into automated testing. Not only improved efficiency, but also saved the company 92,160 yuan in labor costs. There are also teams for management, planning, and crafts that have achieved good results in optimizing processes and improving efficiency. I saw a group of cute Kexin people who dared to challenge and struggle.

The QCC event has been held in the sixth period. I really appreciate all the hard work of the participating groups, and I am grateful to the company leaders for their support of the QCC activities. QCC has gradually taken root in Kexin, and slowly spread the quality awareness of continuous improvement and optimization and upgrading in every corner of the company. No one's success is achieved overnight, and no company's development is smooth. But I firmly believe that the continuous practice of the QCC spirit will definitely provide a powerful and long-lasting force for the company's transformational transformation.

The road to continuous improvement of Kexin is endless, and the footsteps of Kexin people will never stop!

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Good news! Kexin Technology was rated as a "specialized, special and new" enterprise

Recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises in 2021. The accumulated comprehensive strength has successfully entered the list of "specialized and special new" enterprises, which is another scientific and technological innovation certification of the company after passing the previous "high-tech enterprise" certification. "Specialized, refined and innovative" is a major project implemented by the state to promote the specialization, refinement, specialization and novelty of SMEs, enhance independent innovation and core competitiveness, and improve the development quality and level of SMEs. Enterprises that are cultivated, selected and supported are usually leaders who focus on market segments, focus on key technologies, strong innovation capabilities, good growth, high market share, and excellent quality and efficiency. The resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain plays an indispensable and important role in strengthening, complementing and stabilizing the chain. The award of "specialized, refined and new" enterprises this time is also a full affirmation of the technology, products and services of Kexin Technology over the years by the competent authorities, professional institutions, industries and customers. Kexin Technology adheres to innovation as the driving force for development. Since its establishment in 2001, it has been deeply engaged in the field of ICT, focusing on technological breakthroughs in 5G, IoT and IDC. It has more than 300 patents and over 60 computer software copyrights. Member, leading or participating in the drafting and revision of more than 50 national and industry standards. As a provider of professional communication equipment manufacturing, services and solutions, Kexin technology product research and development involves site energy, data center, communication energy storage and other aspects, and the service system fully covers 32 domestic provinces and cities and many important economies around the world In the region, related products have been successfully implemented in communications, transportation, education, medical care, finance, agriculture, real estate, exhibition and other industries. In the future, Kexin Technology will continue to practice the development path of "specialization, refinement and innovation". By increasing investment in scientific research, improving technological innovation capabilities, strengthening professional personnel training, consolidating the core competitiveness of enterprises, and creating more for customers and investors value, and make greater contributions to the development of global communications.


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