Kexin Technology PDM Project Summary Meeting

Time:2024-04-17 14:15


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

On the morning of January 25, 2019, the PDM system closing meeting was held in the conference room 1702 of Kexin Technology Building. The company's deputy general manager Wu Hongli, PDM consultant Fang Tangpan manager, He Xiangyue consultant, Li Zhenxing manager, PDM project Yu Yang manager, Huang Weiwei Managers and core members attended the meeting and the meeting was hosted by Huang Weiwei.

At the meeting, Mr. Huang shared the project execution, process business capability analysis, system integration function display, summary and planning. The functions of the PDM system are basically matched with the business needs. The project has invested a lot of resources, and has cultivated and identified many outstanding talents. The three outstanding project team members were commended. They are: Gong Hui, Luo Huaping, Wang Jie. Subsequently, the outstanding members of the project shared their experiences in the process of PDM projects, and also suggested that users should be more active and make full use of PDM system tools and other valuable suggestions. It is hoped that in 2019, PDM training will be strengthened, storage data will be improved, and data business processes will be optimized. Tang Manager & Ho Consultant also promised to handle feedback issues on time, and the matters that need the support of the consultant will provide resources and assistance as soon as possible.

Finally, the PDM project director Wu Hongli made a summary and request. Mr. Wu said that the PDM project basically met the demand and initially met the project expectation, affirming the project selection, research, program design, testing, data preparation and the entire project. During the implementation process, everyone's hard work has demonstrated the spirit of the hard-working struggles of Kexin people. The successful launch of the system has provided effective support for the basic management of R&D. The successful implementation of the PDM project once again shows that having a group of like-minded strugglers is the wealth of Kexin, and can continue to promote the company's growth, which is the core competitiveness of the company. I hope to use the system unswervingly and use the system. Actively discover problems, feedback problems and actively solve problems, continuously improve and optimize the system, and continuously learn and master the system use skills. Mr. Wu also stressed the problems in the PDM project and asked the project team to continue to promote system optimization and data cleansing. Two points of hope are put forward: First, I hope to be proficient in using the system, serializing data and delivery, continuously optimizing, and steadily using the PDM system. Second, under the premise of system optimization, the second phase of project introduction can be initiated, and the R&D basic work such as device management, project management, standardization management, R&D cost management, and quality management can be included, and the whole process can be realized through the system pull-through process. Product lifecycle management.

Finally, I would like to thank the soup manager, He consultant and Manager Li for the guidance of the parameters of the consultants. I also thank all the members of the PDM project team for their hard work and hard work during the implementation of the project. Congratulations on the successful conclusion of the project!

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