Life lies in movement-Kexin Bicycle Club Travel Notes in the third quarter

Time:2024-04-17 14:16



Source: kexin

On weekends, the sky is full of clouds and the slightly cool wind is suitable for outdoor sports, such as walking, cycling, etc., breathe fresh air and get close to nature. Cycling can prevent brain aging and improve the agility of the nervous system; it can improve cardiopulmonary function, exercise lower limb muscle strength and increase overall endurance, harden blood vessels and strengthen bones; cycling can not only rely on the movement of the legs to compress blood flow, but also Remarks Withdrawing the heart from the end of the blood vessels, it also strengthens the microvascular tissues, which can prevent high blood pressure; it can improve balance and coordination, relieve anxiety and depression, etc., and prevent weight gain. Join us and do exercises with us~ ~

October 23, 2016 was the third quarter cycling event of the cycling team. This was also my first time participating in a cycling event. When I knew that the cycling team was about to hold an event, my mood was already surging and I was waiting for the cycling event early. Travel, come with me to learn more about the story of the cycling group!

We were walking slowly. In the park, there were family walking, father and son cycling, and some running with small speakers. Look, how happy we are, and exercising together is a very happy thing.  

I photographed this childhood playground when I passed the playground on the way of cycling. The parents guarded their children while the children were playing slides, swinging and running happily. The parents would take a video or The photo is a nostalgia, and the face is filled with happiness. In such a happy environment, it not only reminds me of my own childhood, I feel this kind of scene, and I also raise my mouth unconsciously, thinking about what I want to love.

Riding a bicycle, looking at the natural scenery, breathing the breath of the leaves, blowing in the breeze, listening to my favorite tracks, because there are companions, so happier, we rode hard. When going uphill, we go forward bravely and encourage each other; when going downhill, we ride the wind and waves and sprint down. Sometimes I want to let go of my hands and open my arms to feel it, but it doesn’t work. The reason is that I don’t even let go of riding a bike!!!

After we had cycled around the Xincheng Park for one or two laps, it was noon and we stopped. Replenish water, rest for a while, head to the next location-Rundong Farm Barbecue

After arriving at our barbecue site, they naturally divided into male and female factions and proceeded in an orderly manner. After finishing the barbecue dishes, the fire had risen. Everyone was holding a skewer of food and grilling together, discussing how to do it. Can bake the food more delicious, sit together, you help me brush the seasoning, I help you roll the ingredients, talking and laughing, very warm.

Have you left your mouth water with such delicious food? Join us now~~~

This is a classic of our day. During the barbecue, there was a heavy rain in the sky, so we all hurriedly packed up the ingredients. After eating all the food, we squeezed in a big umbrella and moved forward step by step, and our goal was two hundred meters ahead. In the house, there is no regretful disappointment on our faces, some laughter, everyone is close to each other, this rain did not hinder our progress, but more determined, the same goal, to each of us We are all united together, even though this umbrella is more crowded for us, the 20th person, and small for the heavy rain, but there is no one left behind. At that time we are together!!! Everyone is always there. Sports, without exercise, there is no life, exercise can make oneself vigorous, increase perseverance, full of vitality. When you fall in love with sports, you will make many like-minded partners. When you insist on sports, you will have a different life. Let's move with us!!! Sincerely, the third season of cycling activities is over.

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