I stand on the high post and look down

Time:2024-04-17 14:16



Source: kexin

Ever since I graduated from university and joined a huge office worker, I always lament that time flies quickly. It's not an exaggeration to use the word "fly" to describe the speed of time. Looking back on the past two years, I really don't have much memory. The picture is almost the same every day. Someone has specifically studied that human perception of time is related to what he experiences. The more new things he encounters in the same period of time, the slower time will pass. Since we can't let time stop, why not let it "go slowly"?

Inadvertently, only the last month of the year was left, and I suddenly realized that I had to organize a mountaineering activity quickly. Maybe everyone wanted to climb the mountain again at the end of the year. Sure enough, as soon as the news came out, everyone signed up very enthusiastically. Due to various reasons, there are not too many team members who sign up for the mountain each time, but this time the number is relatively large. The key point is that the beautiful women account for about 80%. This is estimated to be jealous. Many boys who did not participate in this event .

This is the second time I have climbed Yangtai Mountain after coming to Kexin. If you also like mountain climbing, then Yangtai Mountain is a good place for you to come countless times. Why do you say that? First, Yangtai Mountain is not far from our Kexin and it is easy to reach; second, Yangtai Mountain has beautiful scenery, with mountains, waters and insects and birds singing along the way, which is refreshing and can make you depressed for a long time. The soul is liberated; thirdly, although Yangtai Mountain is not very high, it has to be climbed. You can get enough exercise in less than two or three hours.

After gathering at the foot of the mountain, we set off. All of them were young people, all of them looked vigorous and vigorous, and a large group of people moved away as soon as they set off. Those with agile legs and feet are walking like flying all the way, and those who don't usually exercise will be chasing after them. We started from Shiyan and headed towards the top of Dayangtai Mountain along the scheduled climbing route. At each resting point, the players in the front will stop and wait for the players behind. They may be to stop and eat some dry food in their bags; maybe to wait to eat the delicious food in the backpacks of the team members who are walking behind; maybe because of the team spirit, not to abandon or give up. In any case, I always believe that the latter is the real cause.

I found a very interesting phenomenon. The teammates walking in front of the team will take a few selfies by waiting for the teammates from behind to come. The reason why the teammates walking behind are not completely behind is because of their poor physical strength. Because I don't forget to take selfies at all times. Perhaps it was because I stayed so often that I was left behind. This just made me think about some questions, what is the real purpose of people climbing? What is the meaning of climbing? Is it to sweat, to exercise? Finding a place to run or build a treadmill can also serve the purpose of exercise, which is more convenient and safer than climbing. In order to breathe fresh air? As far as I know, Shenzhen’s current greening is not bad, especially outside the customs. Get up early in the morning and go to parks and squares to take a walk. There is endless fresh air. I think that the meaning of mountain climbing is to appreciate the scenery along the way and to fill up your timetable with beautiful pictures; to climb high and look far, so that the soul can have a moment of unconstrained time, and free yourself from the tedious life. , Have a chance to think about "Who am I?" "Where am I going?"

Finally reached the top of the mountain, I have to say that the scenery on the top of the mountain is always intoxicating. Since ancient times, people have liked to climb high and look far away. The human brain does not like narrow spaces, the more open the more conducive to thinking. At this moment, what is presented before me is the boundless land and buildings, and what I have in my mind is my childhood dream. Looking into the distance, I fell into deep thought. Think about it seriously, the childhood dream is still there, but the dazzling colors at the beginning have faded a lot after years of scouring. Mountain climbing may bring different feelings to everyone, but these feelings are precious.

Standing on the top of the mountain, you can have a panoramic view of the distant scenery, take a deep breath, and feel the comfort quietly.

This wonderful and fulfilling trip to Yangtai Mountain ended in a joyous sound. So next time you climb the mountain, will you come?

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