Kexin Technology Distribution Product Manager Competition Conference was successfully held

Time:2024-04-17 14:15


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

On the evening of December 4, 2018, at 18:00, Kexin Technology held a competition meeting for power distribution products managers in the training room on the fourth floor. This competition will be based on the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness, with on-site presentations and question-and-answer methods, combined with personal wishes and company arrangements, to select and hire.

First, lead speech

At the beginning of the meeting, Mr. Zhao from the Kexin Technology Research Institute delivered a speech. Mr. Zhao said that from the perspectives of product planning and market layout, as well as the development of the company's power distribution products business, we urgently need distribution product managers to coordinate the business development of our power distribution products. We encourage R&D personnel to take the lead in expanding the market and encourage market players to return to products and technologies after the first phase of precipitation.

Mr. Zhao said that the company's development path for excellent employees is multi-channel. I hope that you will try your best to contribute to the development of the company. Finally, Mr. Zhao said that the competition for power distribution products managers is also a kind of identification and training for the comprehensive ability of the candidates, and looks forward to the outstanding performance of the candidates.

Second, competition and advocacy

The three candidates, Chen Bobo, Yang Jimin and Qin Jie, went on stage to present their personal strengths and capabilities according to their actual conditions, expounding their own understanding and understanding of their positions, as well as planning and planning for future distribution products. aims.

The candidate Chen Bobo emphasized the importance of product self-control and self-study from his solid professional foundation. He said that product self-control is the basis for improving the product line, and self-research is the core to improve product competitiveness. Yang Jimin took his own rich work experience and combined with a large number of project practices as a breakthrough point. He pointed out that product standardization, serialization and modularization are the controllable support for realizing efficient operation of the business. At the same time, he emphasized that product branding is to enhance the company's power distribution products. An effective way to compete in the industry. Qin Jie explained the perception of product manager position from the perspective of customer and market demand. He believes that product manager is the bridge of communication between the company and the company. Only based on the needs of customers and the market, and guiding product development, can the product be realized from demand to A smooth transition to the ground.

The three candidates, with their rich professional knowledge and industry cognition, responded to the interviewers' questions and showed excellent professionalism and excellent professional ability.

Finally, General Zhao pointed out that timely understanding of customer needs is a must for product managers, and we must strengthen the continuous learning of professional knowledge. The more solid the professional foundation, the more timely and efficient we can respond to customer needs, solve customer pain points, and thus increase customer trust in us.

At the meeting, the judges answered questions based on the candidates' competition and gave a lot of practical suggestions in combination with the product manager position. For example, the summary of successful cases, the reflection of failure cases, the outstanding business ability and weak professional ability, etc., are all we need to think and summarize as a product manager. Although the judges' questions are sharp, they also allow us to see the angle of thinking. Only by looking at the essence of the phenomenon can we deeply understand and understand the value of product manager positions.

Third, the status quo analysis of power distribution products

Liu Gang, a power distribution product expert, combined the market data obtained with the company's specific situation and conducted a detailed analysis of the existing market demand. The shortcomings of existing power distribution products are expounded, and a three-step strategic plan is proposed centering on the Science and Technology Research Institute. He believes that product managers should not only focus on products, markets, customers, R&D, production, etc., but must fully conduct business. He emphasized that the product manager is a fixed-interface person role in the whole process, and must be familiar with each link.

IV. Summary of Chen

After the competition, General Manager Chen summarized the competition. First of all, Mr. Chen expressed his affirmation that the three candidates dared to challenge and dare to break through their own attitudes. Kexin is a high-tech enterprise dedicated to becoming a world-class communication network equipment, application solution and technical service. Power distribution products are an important part of the company's business. While the company is constantly developing, we must continue to follow the company's development pace, constantly challenge ourselves, establish new goals, continuously improve our ability, and contribute our own strength to the company.

Looking back over the past three years, the company has made a huge breakthrough in the base station integrated cabinet, and we have the highest market share in the peak period of domestic 4G construction; the international market is also a good news: HGM project, Kexin has become a customer of the world's three suppliers. One; HPM project, Kexin stood out among the 14 suppliers worldwide and became the only supplier of A customers in the world. Kexin's business has gone from China to the world, from developing countries to North America, Europe and other developed countries. We must be confident in the industry, the company, and ourselves, in order to dare to challenge.

Mr. Chen stressed: Power distribution products are used in the company base station integrated cabinet product line and data center product line. At the same time, operators also separately bid for the column head cabinet, AC and DC power distribution box, and precision power distribution cabinet separately. We must always Adhering to the principle of customer-centered, quality first, efficiency first, we strive to do a good job. The product manager has a long-term responsibility and must respond to customer needs and insight into market changes.

The position value of the product manager must be positioned with the customer's needs as the center. The customer-centric philosophy must form a deep-rooted brand in the minds of product managers. The only value of the position is to meet the needs of customers, solve customer pain points, and pull the market and internal resources. Product manager positions are opportunities and challenges. We need to constantly accumulate knowledge and keep learning, and we are not afraid of experiencing setbacks. As long as you are willing to think, challenge, and grow, you will be able to realize your own value, both domestically and internationally.

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