Tribute to the heroes behind the scenes

Time:2024-04-17 14:15


Author: kexin

Source: kexin

"My parents are so busy when they go to work. Today I will also accompany them to see this place called Kexin."

"The son said that he lives and works in Kexin in a particularly good environment. No, take this opportunity, let his son take our old couple to have a look."

On the afternoon of August 31, Kexin Technology welcomed a group of distinguished guests. They are the most beloved people of our employees, their parents, lovers, children...They come to experience the working environment of Kexin Technology in person. More than 30 groups of families, more than 70 employees and family members spent a wonderful and unforgettable time together.

Early in the morning, Kexin staff was ready early, waiting for the family members from all over the world.


During the admission session, we ushered in happy smiling faces, and together we started a journey of love. This is a special gathering, family portraits, carrying the strong happiness of each family:

Soon, lunch time came, and the family members came to the cafeteria on the second floor under the guidance of the staff. The colleagues in the administration department have already prepared sumptuous and delicious meals for everyone, as well as delicious snacks for the children.


To understand Kexin technology, start from the progress hall. After the lunch break, the family members all came to the Kexin Technology Exhibition Hall on the 12th floor. The company's exhibition hall takes the theme of "Science and Technology Connecting the Future". The instructors in the exhibition hall showed the company's development history and excellent products from the four aspects of "corporate culture and development history, technological growth, products and solutions, and achievements honor".


After the exhibition hall, everyone came to the training center on the sixth floor one after another, and the staff of Kexin had already prepared a tea break. Comfortable sofas, a gym with professional equipment, a book-scented book bar... This is a place for employees to make adjustments while they are busy.

Next is the executive tea party. On behalf of the company, Mr. Zhang warmly welcomes the arrival of all the family members, and said that as the founding shareholder of the company, standing here is full of excitement and gratitude.

At the same time, Mr. Zhang expressed two gratitudes: The first one to be thanked is all the employees of Kexin. In the past 18 years, you have taken your career as your soul, and have been proud of your struggle, and have jointly implemented Kexin’s core values. It is yours. Going forward, working hard, has made Kexin what it is today. But I want to thank all the dear and respectable family members. Because of you, these colleagues let us have no worries and go all out to fight in our jobs, to organize and shine for ourselves. After Mr. Zhang finished his speech, family members of employees asked questions about children's education, housing, equity incentives, etc., and Mr. Zhang also answered them one by one.

The tall office environment, humanized management style, full of warmth and care, make the families of Kexin people feel deeply. The family members who participated in the activity shared their feelings and their gratitude to their families one after another.

During the period, the excellent "little family members" of Kexin people brought guitar playing and singing to everyone. The excellent performance caused continuous applause from the audience and laughter and laughter at the scene.

At the end of the tea party, the staff slowly launched a birthday cake to celebrate Kexin’s 18th birthday. 18 years of ups and downs, 18 years of tenacity, 18 years of hard work, to prove yourself, you have to pay a lot; to make achievements, There must be sacrifices. The company has always believed that employees are the company's greatest wealth, so like-minded fighters are one of Kexin's three core competitiveness.

The children all came to the stage and cut the cake to celebrate Kexin Technology’s 18th birthday together with Mr. Zhang.

Companionship is the most affectionate confession, but it is difficult for us to express love in life. Here, the family members expressed that by participating in this event, they have further understood the development of Kexin, and are extremely proud of their family’s work in Kexin. In the future, they will definitely support the work of their families even more and contribute to the development of Kexin in the 5G era. Development adds a strength.

The time of reunion is short,

But love will always be there,

Happiness has always been there.

May every child be the best self,

May every family be the happiest.

The growth and development of the company is inseparable from the efforts of every employee.

It is even more inseparable from the understanding and support behind the family.

Thanks to the family for your company all the time,

because I have you,

We are never alone.

Looking forward to reunion with you on the open day of the family next year!

The first open day for family members is over. Would you like to bring your family to participate? Do you also want to take your family to our new building for a walk, take a look, and feel the corporate culture of Kexin Technology? Do you also want to communicate with company leaders at close range? If you want, act quickly.

You can organize an open day for family members as a department, and the General Manager’s Office will provide assistance.

Contact: Guo Yi/Wu Changhong

Phone: 0755-29893456

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