TDS Telecom completes part of Colorado broadband stimulus build
Time:2024-04-17 14:16
Source: fiercetelecom
TDS Telecom (NYSE: TDS) is putting broadband into more rural customer's hands by completing part of its ARRA-funded broadband Internet project in Paonia, Colo.
Set to be completed by January, this network build will provide broadband services to about 540 area residents.
For this project, TDS subsidiary Delta County Tele-Comm, Inc., installed about 12 miles of fiber cabling and 12 cabinets, which will house necessary broadband loop carrier (BLC) devices to deliver services to residents.
Similar to other areas where it has gotten American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding, the telco said it will inform residents when service is available.
Out of the telcos that applied ARRA grants, TDS won 44 projects, including this one in Colorado.
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