Qi transformation, a total struggle, to achieve a new leap

Time:2024-04-17 14:15


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

On March 23, 2019, the transformation and mobilization meeting of Kexin Technology Research Institute was held in Kexin Technology Building. Chairman Chen Dengzhi and Dean of Kexin Technology Research Institute Zhao Yiyi attended the meeting and made an important speech. The meeting was organized by the Science and Technology Management Department of the Institute. Huang Qin presided over.

The meeting was divided into “I Summary of Suggestions for the Transformation of the Institute”, “How to Improve Quality Consciousness”, “Share Market Bidding Project Management System Sharing” and “Conference Summary”.

First of all, Huang Weiwei of the Science and Technology Management Department summarized the “I offer ideas for the transformation of the Institute”. Manager Huang is prepared to actively transform and upgrade, and to meet the upcoming 5G and IoT industry development as a background to illustrate the rapid development of the company is a trend, to promote transformation is inevitable, to recognize the problem is the key. As the vanguard and backbone of the company's transformation, the institute must take the lead, actively embrace change, continuous improvement, and build consensus, and jointly explore the road to transformation, which will set a good prelude for the transformation of the institute. The research institute Liu Gangke elaborated on how to improve the quality consciousness from three aspects: “attitude towards quality issues”, “how to deal with quality problems” and “how to improve quality awareness”.

Jiang Jianjun of the product department explained and explained the management mechanism of the market bidding project. He pointed out that the project management mechanism is comprehensive in content, based on project management operation, investing limited resources into the most valuable projects, and opening up the process from the client to the internal process of the company, thus achieving the goal of “one hole, benefit”. Out of a hole." Through the implementation of this system, it can create greater value for the company and achieve the company's management objectives.

After listening to everyone's sharing, Zhao Yiyi, the president of the institute, made a concluding speech. He pointed out that in the process of transformation, we must clearly define the relationship between organizational growth and personal growth. The increase in the number of research institutes means that the organization is developing rapidly. In the process of organizational growth, many problems will arise. As individuals, each of us needs to constantly summarize ourselves, solve problems constantly, form our own problem solutions, persist in learning, and grow together with the organization. Mr. Zhao pointed out that we must adhere to the customer-centered approach to quality issues, respond quickly to customer needs, and think about issues from the perspective of customers. We do not deny the existence of quality problems. It is not terrible to have problems. What is terrible is that we do not insist on customer-centric The basic principle.

Mr. Zhao stressed that we must strengthen project management, improve team combat capability, transform individual capabilities into organizational capabilities, fight with team strength, ensure continuous operation and open incentives, so that those who continue to struggle get more Return.

Finally, Chen Dengzhi, chairman of the company, summarized the research and transformation mobilization meeting of the institute. Mr. Chen pointed out that the number of students in the institute is over one hundred milestone. Kexin will insist on its own goals and will insist on making technology a core competence in the company's growth and development process. The ability of the organization must match the efficiency. For the organization, the more people create, the more value they create. This is not an equal sign relationship. If there are more people and no value is created, the corresponding resources will be consumed. For us personally, we must know what the problem is. What is the ability? How big is the ability? It is allowed to make mistakes, but we cannot repeat low-level mistakes. We must constantly summarize and reflect on our mistakes in order to improve ourselves from our mistakes.

Mr. Chen stressed that all our orders are from project bidding. The success or failure of the project is the key to the survival of the company. We will develop new products and strive for more projects. We must also objectively evaluate the success or failure, merits and demerits when we generate value. We will adhere to the basic principle that value distribution is inclined to excellent value creators, and we hope that each of us must have the awareness of the last elimination.

General Chen pointed out that the Institute is an organization that learns and grows, but the real growth comes from self-learning. We must first set a clear plan for ourselves, not only now, but also to develop step by step, from the domestic to the international, take the initiative to undertake domestic and international projects, and spur progress. At the same time, it is integrated into teamwork. The current expansion of one product line to several product lines requires collaboration, not only for the first-line support, but also for collaboration between various departments and even groups, so that people of different professions can gather together and All play their own strength. The institute must take the initiative to become an empowering and upgrading organization.

The company's rapid development and new product additions test the research institute's ability to undertake research. As the core competence of the company's transformation and upgrading, the research institute must also help the peripheral system to improve while improving itself. From production to marketing, it is necessary to improve the technology. Knowledge, we must let the first-line departments of marketing and other departments master the basic product quality control and key links. The institute must be brave enough to take on the responsibility of the entire company to improve at the technical level, and lay a good foundation for the company's future sailing.

After the meeting, all members of the institute took a group photo together. So far, the transformation and mobilization meeting of the Kexin Technology Research Institute in 2019 has come to a successful conclusion.

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