Focus, upgrade | Kexin Technology 2019 Marketing Work Conference

Time:2024-04-17 14:15


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

It is also a change of years, and it is a cycle of cold and heat. On January 26, 2019, Shenzhen Kexin Communication Technology Co., Ltd. 2018 marketing work summary and 2019 work deployment meeting was held in Kexin Technology Building. This marketing conference revolves around the theme of “focusing and upgrading”, comprehensively summarizing the overall development of Kexin Technology in 2018, and strategic planning and deployment for future development. More than 100 people from the management team, marketing director, provincial office director and account manager participated in the meeting.

The first item of the conference was summarized by Miao Xinmin, deputy general manager of the marketing center, on the annual marketing work in 2018 and the marketing work in 2019. Miao Zong reviewed the work tasks in 2018. He said: "We have achieved certain results in 2018, 2019 is a key year, we need to continue to sprint forward." Also pointed out two important issues in 2018:

1. Project management is too extensive;

2. Sales in strategic provinces plummeted.

Miao Zong also elaborated on the strategic planning of domestic marketing for the next three years, emphasizing the “wolf” of marketing. The wolf is mainly reflected in whether there is hunger, sensitive to clues, eager for the project, and aggressive in attacking the mountains. And highlighted four key points:

1. Resolutely eliminate the white rabbit employees (employees with good attitude and poor performance)

2. the cadres can go up and down

3. Open up green channels for excellent employees, run small steps and timely certification

4. Increase penalties for misconduct in major projects

Then, the directors of the group, the first district and the second district director respectively summarized the marketing work in 2018 and deployed the work in 2019. The directors also propose from different dimensions, and need efficient project-based operation based on the solution. If there is a problem, there is value in existence. Solving the problem can create value. The size of the problem determines the value of creating value. The details determine the success or failure of the project, only find ways for the project to succeed, do not find reasons for the project failure, and propose the concept of target focus and team wolf: regional market focus, operator focus, key customer focus, product line focus. Form a team with excellent style, dare to fight, and be able to fight.

Next, Wang Jianbing, deputy general manager of the International Marketing Department, made a 2018 international marketing work summary and 2019 work deployment, including international talent pool, market strategy, brand strategy, etc., to build a flexible and adaptable organization for future international marketing. Architecture, looking for a good solution for the company's globalization strategy. The international marketing manager, HGM, and HPM project manager also made a summary of international marketing work and a 2019 work deployment. I believe that the international marketing center will have a lot to do in the future.

The last item of the conference is the commendation of the outstanding employees of the 2018 new product certification and the signing ceremony of the 2019 annual sales target responsibility. In the past year, some of our colleagues and teams have created extraordinary achievements, and we also send flowers to them.

"Thinking is a problem, doing it is the answer, standing still, always the audience." I believe that in 2019, all the soldiers on the front line of Kexin's technology marketing will practice with the will of steel and the execution of military personnel. With my own duties and missions, I will go forward and bravely, and win the fruitful results of 2019 with hard work and wisdom.

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