Kexin Communication Management Team Discovery Tour in Taiwan

Time:2024-04-17 14:16



Source: kexin

From the cheering and cheering assembly on the banks of Shenzhen Bay on September 29 to the reluctant return of Taoyuan Airport on October 6, the eight-day trip to Treasure Island, the Kexin Communications team began with the shock of discovery and returned to the clarity of emptying. Along the way, enjoy the pure and beautiful scenery, feel the warm and simple folk customs, and enjoy the childlike joy of laughter and laughter. He has traveled throughout most of Taiwan. Accompanied by the insights and discussions on the outstanding Taiwanese enterprises, they are in a hurry and Substantial.

If this journey is divided, then the observation and exchange at the headquarters of Taiwan’s outstanding famous company Dingjie Software and GIGABYTE Technology on September 30 is more like a journey of spiritual discovery, which brings us a lot of shock and inspiration. Long aftertaste and thinking.

On September 30, 2014, under the leadership of Mr. Chen Dengzhi, General Manager of Kexin Communication, the management team of Kexin Communication visited well-known Taiwanese companies-Dingjie Software and Gigabyte Technology. The visit of Kexin Communication received warm and thoughtful reception from Dingjie Software's Chief Strategy Officer Lin Longrun, Vice President Chen Liujie, and Gigabyte Technology Strategy Information Officer Bai Guanghua. With the careful arrangement of Dingjie Software, mutual learning and exchanges were made easy. Delightful.

Taiwan Dingjie Software Headquarters [first row from left to right: Chief Strategy Officer Lin Longrun of Dingjie Software, General Manager Chen Dengzhi of Dingjie Software, Deputy General Manager Chen Liujie of Dingjie Software, third row from right: Deputy General Manager Zhang Fengfeng of Dingjie Software]

Taiwan GIGABYTE Technology Headquarters: Greening and Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Project Base on the Top of the Headquarters Building [First row: Vice President Zhang Fengfeng of Kexin Communications (fifth from right), Chief Information Officer Bai Guanghua of GIGABYTE Technology (sixth from right), President Chen Dengzhi of Kexin Communications Manager (seventh from right), Vice President Chen Liujie of Dingjie Software (eighth from right)]

Dingjie Software Headquarters: Multifunctional lecture hall, Vice President Chen Liujie gives a welcome speech...

When meeting old friends, there is always something to say... [General Manager Chen Dengzhi of Kexin Communication and Chief Strategy Officer Lin Longrun of Dingjie Software are in conversation. The two are old friends for many years]

Dingjie Software Headquarters: Learning and communication platform, Chen Dengzhi, general manager of Kexin Communication, gave a speech and put forward hope for the study and exchange of Kexin management team...

Dingjie Software Headquarters: Lin Longrun, Chief Strategy Officer of Dingjie Software, shares excellent corporate strategic planning and business management experience with you. Kexin Communication partners study, experience, and comprehend carefully...

GIGABYTE Technology Headquarters: White Guanghua Strategic Information Officer of GIGABYTE Technology shares with you the experience of lean management...

GIGABYTE Technology Headquarters: Kexin Communication Partners listened carefully and devotedly...

GIGABYTE Technology Headquarters: Take notes on key knowledge...

Chen Dengzhi, general manager of Kexin Communications, presented souvenirs to representatives of Dingjie Software and Gigabyte Technology on behalf of Kexin Communications...

Visit the humanized environment construction in the staff rest area of ​​Dingjie headquarters...

Dingjie Software: The spare time environment of Dingjie employees experienced by the partners of Kexin Communication...

Dingjie Headquarters: A group photo at the corner of the staff garden on the roof of Dingjie Headquarters Building...

GIGABYTE Technology Headquarters: Visit the energy-saving and emission reduction greening project on the roof of the GIGABYTE Technology Headquarters Building. It can not only save energy and reduce emissions, but also create a private garden environment for employees, allowing employees to work and leisure to complement each other, relaxing and happy...

From October 1st to October 6th, the discovery tour of Treasure Island, let us record all this beautiful...

This is a journey of discovery, it is also a journey of empty space, enjoy the sights, and enjoy unlimited pleasure. The most beautiful life is on the road, let us be full of piety and hope, and experience Kexin’s road to ascend together, with infinite scenery in the distance!

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Good news! Kexin Technology was rated as a "specialized, special and new" enterprise

Recently, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises in 2021. The accumulated comprehensive strength has successfully entered the list of "specialized and special new" enterprises, which is another scientific and technological innovation certification of the company after passing the previous "high-tech enterprise" certification. "Specialized, refined and innovative" is a major project implemented by the state to promote the specialization, refinement, specialization and novelty of SMEs, enhance independent innovation and core competitiveness, and improve the development quality and level of SMEs. Enterprises that are cultivated, selected and supported are usually leaders who focus on market segments, focus on key technologies, strong innovation capabilities, good growth, high market share, and excellent quality and efficiency. The resilience of the industrial chain and supply chain plays an indispensable and important role in strengthening, complementing and stabilizing the chain. The award of "specialized, refined and new" enterprises this time is also a full affirmation of the technology, products and services of Kexin Technology over the years by the competent authorities, professional institutions, industries and customers. Kexin Technology adheres to innovation as the driving force for development. Since its establishment in 2001, it has been deeply engaged in the field of ICT, focusing on technological breakthroughs in 5G, IoT and IDC. It has more than 300 patents and over 60 computer software copyrights. Member, leading or participating in the drafting and revision of more than 50 national and industry standards. As a provider of professional communication equipment manufacturing, services and solutions, Kexin technology product research and development involves site energy, data center, communication energy storage and other aspects, and the service system fully covers 32 domestic provinces and cities and many important economies around the world In the region, related products have been successfully implemented in communications, transportation, education, medical care, finance, agriculture, real estate, exhibition and other industries. In the future, Kexin Technology will continue to practice the development path of "specialization, refinement and innovation". By increasing investment in scientific research, improving technological innovation capabilities, strengthening professional personnel training, consolidating the core competitiveness of enterprises, and creating more for customers and investors value, and make greater contributions to the development of global communications.


Anchoring the "Double-Carbon Goals" and Helping the "Green Campus" | Kexin Technology's data center solution successfully landed in a university in eastern Liaoning!

Kexin Technology will actively embrace carbon neutrality, focus on customer needs, continue to maintain technological iterations and innovative breakthroughs, and explore more and better solutions to help enterprises in their digital and green transformation. Scenarios and better practices, join hands with thousands of industry partners to move forward bravely, and move towards a green future together!
