Ericsson supplier carding project kick-off meeting was successfully held

Time:2024-04-17 14:16


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

In order to prevent risks caused by abnormal overseas order quality, reduce quality costs, increase customer satisfaction, and stabilize product quality, at 14 o'clock on October 17, 2018, the company held an "Ericsson Supplier Carding Project Launching Meeting" to sort out suppliers.

At the beginning of the meeting, project manager Yang Shuoshu made a major presentation on Ericsson's supplier grooming project, including background objectives, structure and responsibilities, work promotion plan and project operation mechanism. Based on the needs of Ericsson's customers, the company focused on key material suppliers. The concept of high efficiency and low cost establishes a supplier management system that belongs to Kexin's own development.

Immediately after the project team member Peng Chaozhang elaborated on the supplier classification and import standards, the materials were classified into key materials and non-critical materials according to the material requirements, and the suppliers were classified under the condition that the quality requirements were consistent. Subsequently, production and control suppliers and agent suppliers were established. Implement supplier grooming plan, including supplier sequencing rules, supplier sourcing and review, standardization of quality, process and technical documents, and finally form standardized management. The other project team members also fully discussed the project and provided valuable opinions and suggestions, which improved the project's implementability and ensured the sustainable development of the project.

The meeting believes that the project team needs to clarify the needs of customers, set clear project objectives, establish a sound management mechanism, and set standards based on suppliers and the company's current situation; redefining key materials and non-critical materials, whether critical or non-critical, The quality requirements are the same, to avoid the impact of the quality of non-critical materials on the delivery of Ericsson projects;

The meeting pointed out that the plate is also one of the important materials of the Ericsson project. It is related to the performance index of the cabinet and needs to be included in the key materials to define the specific requirements and parameters of the plate. At present, the management mechanism of the supplier is not perfect enough, and the supply needs to be improved through the project. The degree of control of the quality risk of the supplier, the sorting of the rules sorted by the supplier may have certain problems, and need to be discussed and modified after the meeting; at the same time, by improving the management system of the project, the response speed of the supplier can be improved, and the customer's demand can be met. Under the premise of achieving cost reduction, it can also help suppliers improve quality management and meet the requirements of the company and Ericsson.

Mr. Wu also made recommendations on the report of the project. He believes that for suppliers, the company needs to form differentiated management, set different standards for domestic and foreign companies, and ensure the delivery quality of Ericsson projects. For those who are originally Ericsson suppliers. It can suspend the combing, and the quality requirements should be moderate, consider the cost of quality control, and achieve a balance between quality and cost; while the project is running, it is necessary to refine the phased results and output the methods for supplier management. Institutions, Ericsson’s standards and systems should be based on Kexin’s own standards and systems, and form a unified standard for supplier management. From the conditional suppliers of Ericsson to the excellent suppliers, the company must continuously learn management methods. From interception to prevention, we strive to score 80 points or more for Ericsson suppliers in 2019.

At the end of the meeting, General Manager Chen Dengzhi made suggestions and requests for the project. Mr. Chen believes that the company needs to upgrade itself while completing the delivery of the Ericsson project, deepen the understanding of Ericsson customers, ensure the normal operation of Ericsson projects, and also need to form Kexin's own management system to deal with suppliers in the process of learning and upgrading. To achieve flexible, differentiated management. Mr. Chen also put forward three requirements for the Ericsson supplier combing project:

Requirement 1: The current resource is not the biggest problem. The key to the success or failure of the project is whether the project team members really understand the customer's needs;

Requirement 2: To ensure the quality of the delivery of the Ericsson project, the supplier should focus on the use, but optimize it. At the same time, it is necessary to consider the cost problem. When the quality and delivery are guaranteed, the cost is reduced. The proportion of recommended delivery, quality and cost is 5:3:2;

Requirement 3: The project involves trade secrets such as suppliers, prices, and costs. Kexin has always emphasized the three bans, one of which is “prohibition of corruption”. Doing a good job of integrity and confidentiality is an important principle in the process of project implementation.

The meeting reported and discussed the Ericsson supplier grooming project, ensured the normal operation of the project, improved the relevant system of the project, and provided guarantee for the normal delivery of the Ericsson project.

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