Beautiful Shenzhen Bay, Charm Mangroves-Kexin Cycling Team Cycling Activities in the First Quarter of 2017

Time:2024-04-17 14:16


Author: kexin

Source: kexin

March 19th was the first quarter of 2017 by Kexin Bicycle Team. The first time I took part in a cycling event, I thought it would be a sunny and sunny outdoor day, but it ushered in a clouded, misty and rainy weather that is not suitable for going out. Our "Rain God" captain also had to frown. In such a changeable weather, can the repeatedly postponed cycling activities be carried out smoothly? Should we continue unimpeded or will we meet again another day and become a hot topic in the WeChat discussion group. Fortunately, the enthusiasm of the members of the Kexin Cycling Team could not be resisted by Tiangong not being beautiful. Because riding not only adds fun, but also strengthens the body. Ever since, there is a magical and beautiful story.

After driving for more than an hour, I finally arrived at the meeting place-Exit C of Shenzhen Bay Park Station. The bicycle activity officially kicked off in the afternoon. Although there is light rain, riding in the rain has a special charm. Cycling into the mangrove forest, what you see is a beautiful and peculiar sea, and you can see a long coastline extending into the distance. Next to the coastline are lush mangrove forests. Mangroves are not red, so why are they called mangroves? It turns out that in the tropics and subtropics, some flowering plants are soaked in sea water and are rich in "tannins". After being cut down, they will become red after oxidation, so they are called "mangroves." Some of them are tall and straight, and the leaves only grow at the top; some have short trunks with many branches, and the crowns are very wide. The strange thing is that there are many "beards" hanging down under each branch; others The roots are intertwined, like squids... Cycling out of the woods, to the embankment, the sea breeze is blowing on the face, and the body and mind are relaxed. Standing on the beach, the water is very open. On the other side are green hills with clouds floating on the top of the hills. The scenery is so beautiful. At this time, you will feel that all the worries in your heart are gone, and the whole person is integrated into the scenery. On the embankment, people ride bicycles, walk and chat, or sit on chairs to enjoy the scenery. On the beach, some white seabirds are preying on fish and shrimps, some little-known bugs are crawling around on the rocks, and some people are rummaging among the rocks. There are a group of lively seagulls in the sea, either searching for food or playing in the sea; sometimes flying high and sometimes entering the sea; there is a lively and lively scene in Shenzhen Bay.

While the cyclists started the "self-driving tour" along this long and narrow coast, they also started a round of cycling "PK" race, you chase me, you cheer me for joy, so uncomfortable! Riding lap after lap on the bike path, there is no fatigue, only sweat and enthusiasm. At this time, the oncoming sea breeze is comfortable and pleasant, which also adds a lot of refreshing to the ride. This bike path has attracted many cyclists, but only our cycling team is dazzling. Our team's flag is fluttering, and all Mobike bikes have attracted the attention and concern of many passersby. God seemed to feel the enthusiasm of our group, not only the rain stopped, even the hazy weather was brightened by us. Seagulls accompany us to fly, and the group of wild geese that come one after another are flying in the sky in straight or herringbone groups, seeming to cheer us unimpededly.

Although not far on the road, there are teammates and friends to accompany you along the way, and then there is a music embellishment. With the natural breath, the breeze is slow, the laughter is constant, even if there is more unhappiness and haze, it will be Throw it out! Sit on the lawn when you are tired. No matter how hard you are at work on weekdays, as long as you walk around here more and see more, I believe all emotions will go away with the wind. The bicycles are dashing on the road, we are enjoying the scenery while chatting and feeling, unknowingly it is nearing the end of the event!

Summarizing this mangrove cycling activity, we not only exercised our body, increased our knowledge, but also enhanced the friendship between colleagues and understood the fun of persistence. I have to say that life lies in exercise, but the value lies in persistence. I hope there will be more opportunities to participate in such activities in the future and share more wonderful moments with you.

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