Same frequency resonance, unstoppable | Research Institute Power Product Line Co-creation Conference

Time:2024-04-17 14:12


Author: kexin

Source: kexin

The power product line of Kexin Technology has been established for its first anniversary. In the past year, we have experienced the initial team integration, and to fight side by side for the project, more fellow travelers have joined us, and we can experience the growth from zero to one together. We always believe that in the future, Kexin Technology's power supply product line will become a leader in the communications power supply industry. In order to promote the integration of partners in the power product line, and make it a team that can win battles and often win battles. On the occasion of the first anniversary of the Human Resources Department, the first phase of the research institute "Same Frequency Resonance Unstoppable" product line co-creation meeting was held.

Part One Introduction of Activities and Guests

The power product line of Kexin Technology has been in its first anniversary since its establishment, and everyone comes from different excellent manufacturers in the industry. For the company and the team, they have their own insights and experiences that can be shared. Therefore, this co-creation meeting is held today to provide a platform for everyone to express their opinions.
We invited Zhao Yuyi, Dean of Kexin Technology Research Institute, Pan Pengjiang, Director of Human Resources Department, the entire power product line and relevant heads of other brother departments (Battery Product Line, Intelligent Development Department, Technology Department, Supplier Management Department, International Marketing Department) ) A total of more than 20 people participated in this event.

Part Two Ice Breaking Game
In order to strengthen the connection between the power product line and the brother departments, this event specially set up an ice-breaking game in which dragons fetch water to test how the team can complete the goal in the shortest time. Everyone is eager to try. After five minutes of discussion and practice among the three groups, the fun game officially began.

After intense and fierce competition, the teams cooperated closely with each other, and finally the Bright team won the championship, and the Baolong team and the Xili team won the second and third place respectively. Winning the awards, today we are all happy "people who eat melons"

The third part of the power product line mission and vision co-creation

Manager Fan Jie, the person in charge of the power product line, introduced the power product line for everyone. Manager Fan said that it has been more than a year since he was the product line leader, and he slowly built this product line from scratch with everyone. Have a lot of very unforgettable memories. At present, there are nearly 20 team members, and the product line is still in a period of rapid expansion. It is urgent to introduce more outstanding professionals in the field. Due to different backgrounds and professional experiences, team members’ mission, vision, and development status of the power product line Future plans may have their own knowledge and understanding. I am also constantly thinking: how to build a new and fast-developing product line, so that talents from different backgrounds can build a consensus, a consistent pace, and a winning power product line team. This co-creation will be a step forward for us. first step.

After the introduction of Manager Fan, the on-site partners each wrote several articles about the current deficiencies and difficulties of the power supply product line. The project team members sorted and summarized everyone's questions on the spot, and selected Top6 questions in total. Divide the six problems into three groups, discuss them, and give corresponding solutions. Members of each group also actively participated in it, expressed their opinions and gave some references. After the discussion of the problems in your own group is over, you will also participate in the discussions of other groups and give certain suggestions.

At the end of the discussion, each group sent a representative to share the solution given by its own group.

Part Three Questions and Answers

Most of the time has passed, and we have entered our third Q&A session. We also sampled some of the concerns of the power product line from colleagues in the power product line in advance, and invited the corresponding guests to answer. In the on-site Q&A, we gave the time to the partners of the power product line. They also talked about their views and feelings about the power product line and sent a message to the power product line for a better future.

At the end of the event, Mr. Zhao also talked about his three feelings and suggestions for the power supply product line.
First, the significance of the product line:
1. Make better use of the team's strength, the product line is different from the traditional R&D department, has a common goal, unified action, and unified language;
2. Form technical accumulation in the professional field, and at the same time form continuous technological leadership, which can quickly respond to the market and adjust strategic goals;
3. Become a community of interests, a community of goals, and form a team with a unified pace and a unified goal.
Second, internationalization:
1. Personal ability improvement. With the continuous deepening of the company's internationalization process, I hope that colleagues in the power supply team can quickly improve their ability on the existing basis to better support international business;
2. Maintain a sense of competition and be prepared for internationalization.
3. Value manifestation:
In the context of the company’s strategic transformation and the development of the power product line, the improvement of personal ability and personal value will be better reflected. I hope that all colleagues in the power product line can cheer together, and the future of the power product line will definitely be better. good.

At the end of the event, members of the project team carefully prepared a cake for the power product line to celebrate the first anniversary of the product line. All the members cut the cake together and jointly made good wishes for Kexin technology and the power product line. So far, the first phase of the "Same Frequency Resonance Unstoppable" product line co-creation meeting of the Institute has successfully concluded!

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