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Kexin Beauty, Beauty of People, Beauty of Goods, Spiritual Beauty-Kexin's Second Phase of Photography and Literature Exhibition ended successfully

In order to enrich the cultural life of employees and activate the corporate cultural atmosphere, with the strong support and help of the company's leadership, the Nanguofeng Literature Club and Qingxin Photography Club of the company's amateur interest association jointly organized a photography and literature exhibition on December 19, 2016. The purpose of this activity is to show the good spirit of Kexin people, enhance the artistic accomplishment of Kexin employees, and cultivate their artistic sentiments, so that everyone can discover and enjoy beauty in work and life. The works exhibited this time are all original works of Kexin’s employees. A total of 31 pieces were exhibited. The judges selected from 140 pieces of submissions based on artistic beauty, shooting techniques, composition creativity, and artistic conception. out. The event has been exhibited in the old and new plants of Kexin for nearly 20 days. The exhibition site has won unanimous praise and praise from the employees. Everyone has discovered that the pictures of the exhibited works are the people and things around them. , There is a strong sense of involvement and identification. Everyone was amazed that there are so many lovely people around them, and there are so many beautiful things in work and life that can be discovered. In order to facilitate the employees to have better interaction with the exhibition activities and allow each employee to express their inner feelings, this event specially opened online and mobile WeChat voting channels and comment areas for employees. Up to now, the number of visits to the voting channel has reached 1,236, and 174 valid votes have been voted. According to the number of votes everyone has voted, a total of three winning works have been selected: the first work is "A Smile for Yourself" which won 63 votes. Provided by Zhang Hanqing from the Human Resources Department; the second-placed work is "Close to the Sea", which won 47 votes, and was provided by Deng Zhilin from the Tender Management Department; and the third-placed work is "Twilight Fishing Fun", which won 41 votes, and was provided by Wu Jiajia, the Development Department. The exhibition event closed on January 3, 2017. After the event, the company's senior leaders cordially communicated with everyone, hoping that colleagues from the photography agency and literature agency can continue to carry out such healthy and positive activities. Everyone's work is the image window of Kexin, and I hope to pass on some beautiful, sunny, positive and joyful energy to everyone.


Life lies in movement-Kexin Bicycle Club Travel Notes in the third quarter

On weekends, the sky is full of clouds and the slightly cool wind is suitable for outdoor sports, such as walking, cycling, etc., breathe fresh air and get close to nature. Cycling can prevent brain aging and improve the agility of the nervous system; it can improve cardiopulmonary function, exercise lower limb muscle strength and increase overall endurance, harden blood vessels and strengthen bones; cycling can not only rely on the movement of the legs to compress blood flow, but also Remarks Withdrawing the heart from the end of the blood vessels, it also strengthens the microvascular tissues, which can prevent high blood pressure; it can improve balance and coordination, relieve anxiety and depression, etc., and prevent weight gain. Join us and do exercises with us~ ~ October 23, 2016 was the third quarter cycling event of the cycling team. This was also my first time participating in a cycling event. When I knew that the cycling team was about to hold an event, my mood was already surging and I was waiting for the cycling event early. Travel, come with me to learn more about the story of the cycling group! We were walking slowly. In the park, there were family walking, father and son cycling, and some running with small speakers. Look, how happy we are, and exercising together is a very happy thing.   I photographed this childhood playground when I passed the playground on the way of cycling. The parents guarded their children while the children were playing slides, swinging and running happily. The parents would take a video or The photo is a nostalgia, and the face is filled with happiness. In such a happy environment, it not only reminds me of my own childhood, I feel this kind of scene, and I also raise my mouth unconsciously, thinking about what I want to love. Riding a bicycle, looking at the natural scenery, breathing the breath of the leaves, blowing in the breeze, listening to my favorite tracks, because there are companions, so happier, we rode hard. When going uphill, we go forward bravely and encourage each other; when going downhill, we ride the wind and waves and sprint down. Sometimes I want to let go of my hands and open my arms to feel it, but it doesn’t work. The reason is that I don’t even let go of riding a bike!!! After we had cycled around the Xincheng Park for one or two laps, it was noon and we stopped. Replenish water, rest for a while, head to the next location-Rundong Farm Barbecue After arriving at our barbecue site, they naturally divided into male and female factions and proceeded in an orderly manner. After finishing the barbecue dishes, the fire had risen. Everyone was holding a skewer of food and grilling together, discussing how to do it. Can bake the food more delicious, sit together, you help me brush the seasoning, I help you roll the ingredients, talking and laughing, very warm. Have you left your mouth water with such delicious food? Join us now~~~ This is a classic of our day. During the barbecue, there was a heavy rain in the sky, so we all hurriedly packed up the ingredients. After eating all the food, we squeezed in a big umbrella and moved forward step by step, and our goal was two hundred meters ahead. In the house, there is no regretful disappointment on our faces, some laughter, everyone is close to each other, this rain did not hinder our progress, but more determined, the same goal, to each of us We are all united together, even though this umbrella is more crowded for us, the 20th person, and small for the heavy rain, but there is no one left behind. At that time we are together!!! Everyone is always there. Sports, without exercise, there is no life, exercise can make oneself vigorous, increase perseverance, full of vitality. When you fall in love with sports, you will make many like-minded partners. When you insist on sports, you will have a different life. Let's move with us!!! Sincerely, the third season of cycling activities is over.


Xanadu-Guanlan Printmaking Village

In 2015, which is about to pass, all employees in the assembly workshop have completed the arduous tasks one after another through continuous hard work. To meet the more enterprising challenges in 2016, we have selected Shenzhen’s exclusive sunny beach and an invincible coastline. The meaning of seaside tourism in front of the net is in Kexin: Go forward courageously and proceed with determination. "Oh! I will organize a trip on the weekend!", the news spread in the workshop. Colleagues who have worked hard for a year can finally go out together to relax and invigorate the nature. On December 19, the sky was beautiful, and the warm sun in winter brought the temperature back up like spring, sweeping away the depressed mood caused by the low temperature and haze rain. The beautiful ladies all put on fashionable and gorgeous clothes and waited at the company gate early. Gathered at 8:20, the final assembly put out a POSE photo with a family portrait, and then went straight to South Australia in 4 cars. Everyone laughed and laughed along the way, looking at the factories, buildings, and viaducts along the road, and looking forward to reaching the destination quickly. For those of us who grew up in the inland and rarely saw the sea once, the sea is not only big, not just blue. It is passion, it is romance, and it also carries many, many beautiful dreams of us. After touching for more than 2 hours, the car turned from the highway into the mountain road, and drove slowly on the rugged steak for half an hour. The sea suddenly came into view, and the car stopped steadily. The big guy couldn’t wait to get out of the car and ran towards the sea. . The flag bearer holding the Kexin flag was the first to board a reef standing on the seashore. The colleagues also flocked to the reef excitedly. The boys swiftly climbed up the reef and looked at the sea, the freighter and the sea on the sea level. The towering gas tank, the speedboat rushing to the island, everything looks so small in the sea, it is inclusive of all rivers, and tolerance is great! What's the other side of the sea? Is it Hong Kong?   Just as I was thinking, the tour guide A Tao's shout interrupted me, "Take a group photo for nostalgia, and then the team leaders hurried to pick up the ingredients for the picnic." Ha ha! "As soon as the tour guide said, I felt hungry, people are iron, rice is steel, and I am hungry if I don’t eat. Hurry up to take pictures and show off my cooking skills. Each group leader picks up good ingredients and chooses a good picnic location. The team members began to divide the work and work together to cook in the pot. I saw the fire here, the vegetable washing, the knives skillfully chopped up chicken, duck and fish; the volunteer "chef" over there was playing with various seasonings, thinking about how to use the existing ingredients. Make the most authentic hometown dishes. The pine sticks firewood "cracked" in the stove, and the cheerful flames rushed up. Set up the pot, heat the oil, and the green onion, ginger, garlic and chili will explode in the pot, hey! That fragrant, put in the chopped chicken nuggets, stir fry, put the seasonings, and add beer. Chen Hong, the Hunan chef of this group, proficiently attracted the sister paper who was on the sidelines to boast: "Who wants to marry you, sure Very happy!" Chen Hong said embarrassedly with a smirk. With the chef here, I went to some other teams to go around. The other teams were from Sichuan and Guizhou. They made braised fish and yellow chicken. I was greedy and drooled.  At this time, the team leader was also tasting the lively atmosphere of the dishes between each group, and each group laughed from time to time; haha! Director Chen was also busy cutting and washing the dishes of his group, showing his good man qualities; dispatcher Huo Chunhui and clerk Zeng Yuhua were carrying drinks to the groups. After 40 minutes, with the last seaweed egg drop soup in the group, the pot is ready, and you can start the meal! The various groups sat together, filled with drinks, toasted together, and blessed each other. Manager Long and Director Chen stood by the table and personally poured us wine and toasts, and asked us to eat and drink and have fun, and taste our fried dishes. The atmosphere is warm. Thick. The air in the seaside farm is fresh and the scenery is pleasant. The afternoon is the time for free activities. Cycling in the garden should be everyone's first choice. The farm is equipped with tandem bicycles. Riding on bicycles, you can embrace romance with loved ones by the sea and in the countryside, and look back at your childhood together. The masters of billiards and table tennis can't wait to show off their skills, and practicing on the beach is another flavor. Play karaoke by the seaside, the first golden song. Meet friends by singing, show off the style of the king of karaoke, the beauties and wheat tyrants in the final assembly also occupied the brother K’s hou


Go forward courageously, forge ahead

In 2015, which is about to pass, all employees in the assembly workshop have completed the arduous tasks one after another through continuous hard work. To meet the more enterprising challenges in 2016, we have selected Shenzhen’s exclusive sunny beach and an invincible coastline. The meaning of seaside tourism in front of the net is in Kexin: Go forward courageously and proceed with determination. "Oh! I will organize a trip on the weekend!", the news spread in the workshop. Colleagues who have worked hard for a year can finally go out together to relax and invigorate the nature. On December 19, the sky was beautiful, and the warm sun in winter brought the temperature back up like spring, sweeping away the depressed mood caused by the low temperature and haze rain. The beautiful ladies all put on fashionable and gorgeous clothes and waited at the company gate early. Gathered at 8:20, the final assembly put out a POSE photo with a family portrait, and then went straight to South Australia in 4 cars. Everyone laughed and laughed along the way, looking at the factories, buildings, and viaducts along the road, and looking forward to reaching the destination quickly. For those of us who grew up in the inland and rarely saw the sea once, the sea is not only big, not just blue. It is passion, it is romance, and it also carries many, many beautiful dreams of us. After touching for more than 2 hours, the car turned from the highway into the mountain road, and drove slowly on the rugged steak for half an hour. The sea suddenly came into view, and the car stopped steadily. The big guy couldn’t wait to get out of the car and ran towards the sea. . The flag bearer holding the Kexin flag was the first to board a reef standing on the seashore. The colleagues also flocked to the reef excitedly. The boys swiftly climbed up the reef and looked at the sea, the freighter and the sea on the sea level. The towering gas tank, the speedboat rushing to the island, everything looks so small in the sea, it is inclusive of all rivers, and tolerance is great! What's the other side of the sea? Is it Hong Kong?   Just as I was thinking, the tour guide A Tao's shout interrupted me, "Take a group photo for nostalgia, and then the team leaders hurried to pick up the ingredients for the picnic." Ha ha! "As soon as the tour guide said, I felt hungry, people are iron, rice is steel, and I am hungry if I don’t eat. Hurry up to take pictures and show off my cooking skills. Each group leader picks up good ingredients and chooses a good picnic location. The team members began to divide the work and work together to cook in the pot. I saw the fire here, the vegetable washing, the knives skillfully chopped up chicken, duck and fish; the volunteer "chef" over there was playing with various seasonings, thinking about how to use the existing ingredients. Make the most authentic hometown dishes. The pine sticks firewood "cracked" in the stove, and the cheerful flames rushed up. Set up the pot, heat the oil, and the green onion, ginger, garlic and chili will explode in the pot, hey! That fragrant, put in the chopped chicken nuggets, stir fry, put the seasonings, and add beer. Chen Hong, the Hunan chef of this group, proficiently attracted the sister paper who was on the sidelines to boast: "Who wants to marry you, sure Very happy!" Chen Hong said embarrassedly with a smirk. With the chef here, I went to some other teams to go around. The other teams were from Sichuan and Guizhou. They made braised fish and yellow chicken. I was greedy and drooled.  At this time, the team leader was also tasting the lively atmosphere of the dishes between each group, and each group laughed from time to time; haha! Director Chen was also busy cutting and washing the dishes of his group, showing his good man qualities; dispatcher Huo Chunhui and clerk Zeng Yuhua were carrying drinks to the groups. After 40 minutes, with the last seaweed egg drop soup in the group, the pot is ready, and you can start the meal! The various groups sat together, filled with drinks, toasted together, and blessed each other. Manager Long and Director Chen stood by the table and personally poured us wine and toasts, and asked us to eat and drink and have fun, and taste our fried dishes. The atmosphere is warm. Thick. The air in the seaside farm is fresh and the scenery is pleasant. The afternoon is the time for free activities. Cycling in the garden should be everyone's first choice. The farm is equipped with tandem bicycles. Riding on bicycles, you can embrace romance with loved ones by the sea and in the countryside, and look back at your childhood together. The masters of billiards and table tennis can't wait to show off their skills, and practicing on the beach is another flavor. Play karaoke by the seaside, the first golden song. Meet friends by singing, show off the style of the king of karaoke, the beauties and wheat tyrants in the final assembly also occupied the brother K’s hou


Kexin Communication Management Team Discovery Tour in Taiwan

On June 14, 2014, the company organized outdoor outreach training in South Australia. In my opinion, this is not an ordinary outing or entertainment, but a lively, educational and commemorative experiential training. Although I participated in similar outdoor quality development before this, I still look forward to this expansion training, because every expansion training brings me not only a kind of physical training, but also a kind of physical and mental training. Honed.     After arriving at the training site to change into camouflage uniforms, there was a feeling of returning to the university military training that year. After some self-introduction by the coach, we started the first simple game-reporting the number. When I just listened to the rules of the game, I thought everyone had a small question mark in their minds. A simple game like counting is good for elementary school students. Will it bother us as a group of adults? But the facts have proved that the simpler things are, the greater the chance of mistakes. After experiencing 2 mistakes in the girls group and N times in the boys group (to the end, there are more than 100 push-ups left behind the coach), everyone's heart There was an exclamation mark on the face! Why do so many mistakes occur in a simple game? The coach’s summary language gave me a lot of inspiration: the coach did not specify how much time the report should be completed. Everyone has a different rhythm. If the pace is slow, there is no need to follow the fast pace. You can be careful when you come to you. Think about the number you want to report to avoid mistakes. I also have a little feeling of my own, why can't we be prepared for the rainy day? When you hear the number reported in front of you, we should know the number we want to report in our hearts. When I report the number, we will report the number reported in our heart. Will this avoid mistakes? In fact, in our work, there will be many things. Acting before you are ready, the rate of subsequent errors is getting higher and higher. Fighting a prepared war is far more effective than catching the ducks on the shelves.     Team game: A total of 3 games (8 people toss the water bottle, one lap to the bottom, coordinated palm and shoulder clapping), the entire team is divided into 4 groups, each group has a captain and a military division. The entire team game takes less than 60 seconds. Finished within. When the coach finished talking about the punishment measures (the team with the worst score will be disbanded), I think everyone’s heart was severely slapped. No one wanted their team to be disbanded. Watch your own captain tear up the team flag of your own group with your own eyes. After more than ten minutes of discussion and experimentation, the formal competition of the group began. The best group scored one minute and one second, and none of the four groups completed the entire project within the specified time. The following is the coach’s concluding remarks: 1. Throwing and receiving the water bottle: We can communicate with the colleague who wants to pick up your water bottle in advance. Which position is best for him to pick up the water bottle? You must throw the water bottle in your hand according to his habits, not in your own way. Avoid the chance of the water bottle falling. 2. A lap to the end: When a person starts to drill, the other two people next to him can help him without leaving their hands, which can save a lot of time. 3. Clapping the palms and shoulders together: When clapping and patting the shoulders of the left and right colleagues next to you, be fast, and remember every word you want to say. If you make a mistake, you have to repeat it, and all the previous efforts will be forfeited. flow. This team game well interprets the importance of communication and methods. In my daily work, many things are often caused by my own communication problems and my own inertial working methods that lead to various problems in my work. High-altitude grab bar-erect an 8 meter high iron rod on the open ground, ask us to climb on the iron rod, stand on a disc about 20 cm in diameter at the top of the iron rod, then jump up in the air and grab the front 1.5 meters away Horizontal bar. Although the body is covered with safety protection measures, everyone has more or less sense of fear when jumping at high altitude. Standing on the pole to the top of the disc is a great test, jumping from the disc to grab the bar It is a psychological challenge. Some colleagues went from flushed to pale, some were afraid to stand, and some did not dare to jump up after standing for a long time. When other colleagues stand on the high pole, I believe that the colleagues who are looking at the bottom will have the same ideas as me, and they think it is simple and easy. But when I was in the right place, I realized that my heart was beating so wildly and my legs were shaking unwillingly. In this project, I deeply unde


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