Kexin Technology Management Conference: Winning the future!

When I opened this article, I believe that many people have already set foot on their way home, and the stars are shining outside.


Consolidate Lean Achievements and Promote Lean Change | Kexin Lean Production Transformation Project Phase II Summary Meeting

On the morning of January 18, 2019, the second phase of the Lean Production Transformation Project was held in the company's conference room 1103.


In the past, all are prologues | Kexin HPM project team commendation meeting

On January 9, 2019, the Kexin Technology HPM Project Commendation Conference was held in Room 1105 of Kexin Technology Building. Chen Dengzhi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Wang Jianbing, Deputy General Manager of International Marketing Department, Zhao Yiyi, Dean of Kexin Technology Research Institute, and Wang Shaowei, Director of General Manager Office, attended the meeting and presented awards to all members of the HPM project team. The commendation meeting was presided over by Wang Shaowei, Director of the General Manager.


This step, we spent 17 years!

"There is only 50,000 yuan left in the company's account. Everyone is trying to find a way. In any case, Kexin can't owe employees a penny."


Kexin Technology 2018 Annual Qualification Work Startup and Empowerment Training

On December 13, 2018, Kexin Technology's 2018 Qualification Work Startup and Empowerment Training was launched in the company's comprehensive training room. The meeting was chaired by the Director General of the General Manager, focusing on the company's post sequence leader and cadres. And publicity, the meeting on the job sequence management, competency model, qualification standards development, evaluation criteria, qualification qualification and certification process is equal to a series of core management policies to reach a consensus, and requires the sequence leader to be qualified The management policy is correctly transmitted to all departments and employees, and a standard and language evaluation system for staff ability evaluation is formed.


How to become a successful product manager?

On December 16-17, 2018, Kexin Technology successfully held product manager training in the training room on the fourth floor. A total of 45 participants from the research institute, international marketing, marketing department, service management department, finance department, and supply chain participated. This training, invites the guest speaker Liu Ming lecturer to teach for everyone.


Kexin Technology Distribution Product Manager Competition Conference was successfully held

On the evening of December 4, 2018, at 18:00, Kexin Technology held a competition meeting for power distribution products managers in the training room on the fourth floor. This competition will be based on the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness, with on-site presentations and question-and-answer methods, combined with personal wishes and company arrangements, to select and hire.


Ericsson supplier carding project kick-off meeting was successfully held

In order to prevent risks caused by abnormal overseas order quality, reduce quality costs, increase customer satisfaction, and stabilize product quality, at 14 o'clock on October 17, 2018, the company held an "Ericsson Supplier Carding Project Launching Meeting" to sort out suppliers.


Warmly welcome the leaders of Guangming District to visit our company for inspection

On October 16, 2018, the deputy head of Zhang Zongping from Guangming District visited our company to in-depth study of the company's specific situation from research and development, production to sales, and asked about whether the company encountered difficulties in the process of business development.


IT informatization project online mobilization meeting was successfully held

Since the launch of the ERP system on March 26, Kexin Technology has launched PDM and MES systems successively, as a key year for the three-year informationization plan, to ensure the smooth switching between new and old systems, for our ERP, PDM, MES, SRM The four major projects were officially launched on October 1st, and the preparations for “attacking the mountain” were completed. Kexin Technology gathered the strength of the whole division, coordinated deployment and linkage, ensuring that the systems were homogeneous, equal, and at the same time. On the 8th of the month, business processing is started.


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