Kexin technical management sand table drill training ended successfully

Time:2024-04-17 14:16


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

On August 10, 2018, the company invited Prof. Yang Du, a professor at the School of Business of Renmin University of China and the founder of BEST Sandbox, to conduct a three-day training on sand table management for everyone.


Professor Yang Du

Professor of the School of Business of Renmin University of China, doctoral tutor, general counsel of Zhiben Consulting Group, the current teaching model of the frontier in China - the creator of BEST sandbox teaching. Main research areas: enterprise growth theory, knowledge theory and knowledge management, modern management theory, contradiction management theory, corporate culture, corporate ethics.


Before the training started, Chen Dengzhi, the chairman of the company, made a speech: "The 11-day mid-year debriefing ended. The company decided to give everyone three days to "play". At the same time, I hope that in this sandbox simulation, all the cadres can follow Teacher Yang Du. Learn the methods of business management and get something in the game."

Although it is a sand table simulation, but in reality, the main character of the sand table simulation is the students themselves. The students have to negotiate, buy, sell, loan, finance... and sign the contract in black and white.

Most of the company's cadres were first exposed to such sand table classes. They were curious and excited. Everyone happily named the company, formed a team, and assigned tasks. The classroom atmosphere was very active.

The sandbox training is divided into 7 groups. Each group is a company that will be established. The team members must select the general functions, marketing department managers, design department managers and other major functional departments of the company, register the company name, and then Simulate the overall operation of the company, and “learn” in the process of “doing”, so that everyone can improve their overall management ability in a series of activities such as analyzing the market, formulating strategies, organizing production, overall marketing and financial settlement.

Sand table training makes different humanities exposed. In the process, the trainees never forget to give the teacher Yang Du a little problem. In order to win the illegal operation, some people design traps when signing contracts, and there are people who are trying to exploit the law.

Yang Du: "I don't know what problems they will ask, they can only see the move, which is also a big test for me. The sand table is not as easy as it seems."

What a good leader thinks is how to lead the team forward, not to give up, not to abandon, not to be discouraged, and in the sandbox exercise, these temperament can usually be reflected, which is the commonality of successful leaders.

After the end of the sand table, each member of the “Company” needs to summarize the drills of the day. Teacher Yang Du then reviews and analyzes them, which leads to his rich management knowledge. Finally, the companies that served on the same day “total” The manager conducts year-end debriefing and resignation instructions. Everyone also expressed their feelings that "the general manager is not good."

The three-day training in the sand table has been very fast. At the same time, everyone has a deeper understanding of the nature of business management. It is not easy to manage the business, and it also cultivates the sense of ownership of the cadres. General Chen made a summary after the training:

From the three-day training data, our cadres' hands-on ability, execution ability, and profitability are generally lower than the average, and the liquidated fines are higher than the average. The average here is after Yang Du has trained several companies. The summary is not compared with a single company, so it is very persuasive.

This shows the lack of management skills of our cadres. I said on the first day of training, after the end of the debriefing, let everyone "play", so some cadres really played this game, no team awareness, no positive thinking, and fish in the water, I really thought that the company asked Mr. Yang Du to lead everyone. Play? If you think so, it is a big mistake! There is no responsibility and awareness of being a cadre at all!

The management of Kexin has a long way to go, and we still have a lot to do. At the same time, I very much agree with what Mr. Yang Du said, the organization needs people who continue to struggle and continue to have output, instead of doing a day of monk collision. You are in this position, there is no other choice, only to overcome difficulties and persist in advancing. Organizations can grow and individuals can progress!

As Yang Du said: "The three major elements of a successful business, the first enterprise manager must be in good health, the second energy is better, and the third mentality is better." This is from his own experience.

I hope that all the cadres will be healthy and happy because this is the capital of the revolution. At the same time, I hope that I will always maintain a heart of hard work and hard work, and go forward without regret!

At this point, Kexin technical management sand table drill training ended successfully!

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