The 2018 Kexin cadre mid-year summary meeting ended successfully

Time:2024-04-17 14:16


Author: keixn

Source: kexin

From July 30th to August 9th, 2018, the company organized all the cadres to work in the middle of the year. The 11-day job and the average daily time exceeded 11 hours. All the senior and middle-level cadres of Kexin participated in the cadre evaluation and personal debriefing. After the end of the debriefing, Chen Dengzhi, the chairman of the company, summarized the results of the cadre's debriefing.

The current industry situation is grim, why should the company spend so much time and energy to organize this report? Mr. Chen pointed out that all the cadres of the company are here, but do you all know the meaning and purpose of the cadre's debriefing? The cadre's debriefing needs to reflect the departmental value and personal contribution, but the value of both must be reflected in how to undertake the company's overall goal.

From the perspective of debriefing, most people are still entangled in "points", paying too much attention to the achievements and gains of individuals and departments. Without effectively linking personal goals with organizational goals, we must clearly understand the performance of individual departments and individuals. Excellent, if the overall goal of the organization cannot be achieved, it will still fail. A department or office exists to meet the objectives of the organization, and the department that cannot undertake the organization's goals does not have a meaning.

For a blind ship, the wind in all directions is headwind.

The transformation and transformation of Kexin is still in the exploratory stage. The change will be the normal state of sustainable development. From 2014, the company began to propose management changes, and in 2017, human resources reform, Kexin established a complete human resource management methodology, especially The establishment of a set of job identification standards for cadres, Kexin will continue to use this set of standards to select, evaluate and eliminate cadres:

1. Kexin always insists on using the same standard to evaluate cadres:

Does your work work on the standard of cadre ability, whether the work summary in the first half of the year is clearly stated, whether the lessons are accurate, whether the work focus in the second half of the year is clear, whether there is a clear method for team building, and self-criticism. Is there a clear understanding? If not, this debriefing will never pass.

2. Kexin always insists on collective evaluation of cadres:

Cadres must undertake organizational goals and lead the team to accomplish organizational goals. In order to avoid cadres' differences in performance and team cognition, Kexin adheres to the method of collective appraisal and conducts an objective and fair evaluation of cadres.

3. Kexin always adheres to the elimination system of cadres at the end:

The company adheres to the principle that the grassroots employees are relatively stable and the cadre team is eliminated at the last stage. The company adopts the last elimination system to ensure the vitality of the organization for the cadres whose performance is not up to standard and those who fail to pass the job.

In the past 17 years, Kexin has already produced vested interests. The so-called vested interests are neither fighting nor changing. Although they do not violate the "three bans," they cannot do "three darings", that is, they dare not speak. Truth, not dare to take responsibility, not to criticize and self-criticism.

Everyone here is the backbone of the company that has proved their ability in the past jobs, but now many people have lost the once unstoppable edge, no longer lead the team to rush to rush to kill the enemy, Kexin once relied on survival. Ability is now losing.

At the same time, Kexin does not welcome two types of people to be cadres:

1. Everything is personally experienced, only grasping the details, always afraid of employees making mistakes, not dare to authorize, and does not encourage employees to think independently.

2, always want to be a good person, afraid of offending people, can not objectively and fairly judge employees, do not dare to criticize and eliminate unqualified employees.

There are three magic weapons to support Huawei's 30-year sustainable development - customer-centric, struggle-oriented, long-term arduous struggle and self-criticism.

Adhering to self-criticism is an important magic weapon to keep organizations and individuals awake. Some of our cadres are slick and slick in self-examination, or they think that they are the smartest or they can't know at all, let alone change and improve. The more honest and growing the self-test, the more open and confident.

Everyone mentioned learning in the self-test, which is very good, but in the era of information flooding and time fragmentation, it is important to learn what to learn and how to learn.

The three-person line must have my teacher, see the good and think, keep an empty cup of mind, in the debriefing you will be able to hear the methods of other cadres doing things, how to do project management, how to bring new people, how to attack the mountain, how to fight food, if big Some cadres can absorb their energy, improve themselves and use them at work through their debriefing. This 11-day cadre is too meaningful.

At this point, Kexin Technology’s 2018 cadre mid-year summary meeting ended successfully!

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